
Sunday, November 10, 2013

Be True to the Royal Within You

I have come to realize the true test of life is if we can stay true to who we are. I know when I remember who I am to God and who he is to me, my life is flooded with love, perspective, gratitude and joy. When I forget who I am to God and who he is to me, my life is consumed with selfishness, bitterness, hardship, and sadness. God is our Father. We are his Children. His purpose is our happiness and our journey back to his presence. Our purpose it to love him and follow him until we have returned to his presence. God is incomplete without us and we are incomplete without God. 

Life is hard but the Gospel is simple. God loves us, unconditionally and forever. We just need to decide if we love God unconditionally and forever. 

"Be True to the Royal Within You"