
Thursday, July 28, 2011


SO... My Two Most FAN-tastic Parentals Were Sealed For Time And All Eternity In The Los Angeles Temple 29 Years Ago!
If You've Ever Wondered Why I'm Such A Babesarus..Here Is Why! 
Thanks For Getting Married, Creating Me, And Still Wanting To Have Children After Me!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

How Did I Make It This Far Without You!?!?

Today is July 26th (happy birthday Daddy) and exactly 6 months ago I said so long, farewell to my best friend and then two weeks later to my other best friend! I cannot believe all that has happened these past 6 months  and how fast it went. It really does seem like just yesterday I was looking up Brazil facts, watching gossip girl and pillow talking with Hanns and it really does seem like just yesterday that I was talking to Kati on the phone for hours about the mission, eating pop tarts together at Meredith and sleeping on her floor. To be honest I didn't think I'd make it without them, or at least do as well as I have done.
Mi Hermana & Minha Irma <3
I really thought I'd be a complete and total emotional wreck when they both left, but I made it! YES it was hard, yes there were tears, yes I did feel empty and yes I'd NEVER repeat February EVER again, but I made it and they've made it out in the mission field for 6 months. They are both being the best possible missionaries in Salvador, Brazil and Asuncion, Paraguay. I've missed, thought, and prayed about them each 187.5 days they've been gone, but I TRULY know that they are were they are suppose to be and where the Lord needs them most! They are changing lives, every minute of everyday. Yes I am 3,00% excited to see my besties but apart of me wants them to never come home because I know how much they are loving it and how many lives are better each day because of their presence, BUT all good things must come to an end.

It is SUPER crazy that they come home NEXT summer... I don't want to say that is irrelevant to me... but I am not counting down to next summer but to Spring 2013! Through it all I could not be happier to joining these two girls and become apart of the South American Sisterhood!
Boys Good News For You... She'll Be Home In One Year :)

Brazil Better Love You As Much As I Do
Are My Best Friends Babes Or What?!
As Cute As They Come
Paraguay Tu Tienes Mi Mejor Amiga Se Comportan!
BEST looking girl in Paraguay
I'll Be Seeing These Two Beauties March 2013 For Sweet Reunion Time!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

It All Works Out In The End

It all works out in the end. I know I am only 21 years old and life still has MANY curve balls to throw my way, but I know that everything works out the way its suppose to. Sometimes we ask, "Why is this happening to me?" or "When will I feel normal again?" and I can say that there will be a day when we look back on everything that has happened and we will realize that it all worked out for the best. Everything fell into place and what God had in store for us was for our best and what we actually wanted in the end. 
This is where my happy begging will take place
Today is that day for me. Today I am looking back on my life and I realize that everything I did, everything that has happened to me was suppose to lead me up to this point. I was suppose to and wanted to be here and I never could have done it by myself. There had to be intervention. There had to be hard times. There had to be heart ache, and confusion so that I could end up where I needed to be and do what I need to do. I know that through out my life there will be many more days like today and also many more days like the past, where it was hard and at times impossible to see any silver lining, but next time, I'll be better and more prepared to see through the the bad times, because I know that days like today do happen and will happen again! There is a quote I absolutely LOVE by Elder Holland, "Don’t give up. Don’t you quit. You keep trying. There is help and happiness ahead. You keep your chin up. It will be all right in the end. Trust God and believe in good things to come.”
It all works out in the end

Saturday, July 23, 2011


SO...his birthday isn't until Tuesday, but the man is TOO great to just have his date of birth commemorated one day of the year, so I thought I'd start the festivities early.For the record Sterling A. Brennan is the best possible person, and lucky me, he is my father!
SO here are some of the top reasons why I love my Daddy!
He's the hardest working person I know
He calls me 'pops'
He falls asleep in every movie
He ALWAYS makes time for me, his wife, and other kids, ALWAYS!
He is 150% honest
He tells jokes that should be on the back of laffy-taffy's, and I love them
He reads history books! 
He loves to mow the lawn and apart of him would love to quit law so he could pull weeds, fix sprinklers and buy mulch all day
He loves my mom
He has about a billion baseball cards from when he was a kid
He looks good in a bow tie
I think he's in the CIA
Every time we go anywhere there is always someone who knows him
If I ever grow up to be something it will be because my Dad always pushed me to do my best and always believed in me
He LOVES the Beatles and has great taste in music
He is always selfless and remarkably generious
He's not perfect but pretty dang close!
He always calls to check up on me
I usually get to see him and have dinner with him two-three times a month while I am up at college and I LOVE IT
They don't make them like my Dad... I've yet to find a guy comparable to my Father, but when I do, he'll be all mine!
He lets me drive the beamer :) 
He makes great tacos
He is the busiest man in the world and the best muti-tasker on the planet!
He likes Chunky Monkey, Henry Winehearts root beer, and guacamole flavored chips
He is always optimistic and faithful!
He's basically a genius... its genetic... joke, but really he's brilliant and always know everything about anything
I can ask him and tell him anything
It doesn't matter how old I get or who comes into my life, I'll ALWAYS be a Daddy's girl! 

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Your Future Is As Bright As Your Faith

Life is not easy, and I have a SUPER easy life. I two wonderful parents who love each other. I have  4 wonderful siblings and a fantastic sister-in-law. I am 8 credits away from a bachelors degree. I have had so many opportunities to grow and learn. I have amazing friends who save me everyday. I live in the United States of America. I am blessed economically and do not have to worry about where my next meal is coming from or how if I can pay the rent next month. I am employed. I have a mind that allows me to think, ponder and enjoy the best parts of life.
Nothing says "Faith" like a tramp stamp?
NOW you might think that I don't have anything to complain about after listing all the things that I have, but life is hard. People die, get sick, leave, make bad decisions, and life goes on. Of all the thing I've listed, when hard times arise; money, friends, and education only go so far. The thing that makes life worth living and the thing that makes you smile everyday no matter what is happening around you or to you, is the gospel of Jesus Christ. The knowledge that our God loves us and knows that whatever happens to us, its all apart or his plan that will ultimatly insure us happiness that we cannot yet comprehend. So all the money in the world, the best of friends an educational and employment opportunities will never provide the peace, comfort and purpose that the gospel offers.
The gospel give us the oppturnity to practice our faith in God's plan and the more faith we exert the better our current circumstances will become as we embrace the optimsim that comes from having an eternal perspective.
Thomas S. Monson Said,
"It would be easy to become discouraged and cynical about the future—or even fearful of what might come—if we allowed ourselves to dwell only on that which is wrong in the world and in our lives. Today, however, I’d like us to turn our thoughts and our attitudes away from the troubles around us and to focus instead on our blessings as members of the Church. The Apostle Paul declared, “God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 
 When the going gets rough, its a great thing to be Mormon!
Your Future Is As Bright As Your Faith

Thursday, July 7, 2011


One of my greatest faults is not letting people know how much they truley mean to me. I've always considered myself as a person who has a great capacity for love, but I am horrible at letting people know it. For whatever reason I am not good at conveying love. I am good at loving but always am short for words, especially if its face to face. I don't know why, I just wish I was better at. Often people don't know how I feel about hem until they leave, or something happens which makes me reevaluate how I feel about the people in my life. Today was one of those days. Today I realized that I NEED to let everyone I love know that I love them and know that life would be so different and in some cases not barable without them. Let them know they made a difference. Let them know how lucky I am to know them. Let them know that they were there and helped me when no one else could. I hate that it takes an ER visit, a MRI, a CT scan, and a brain tumor to make me realize that I should have let you know I couldn't have done and gotten through SO many things without you. You were there when everyone else left or thought I was fine. I wish I could be there for you like you were there for me all those times. All I can say is that
today I'll be better at it
Brooke looks good and I look drunk...sums up all of our pictures together
 Let It Be Known That Brooke Hart Eliason Defines the Word... Enchanting! I LOVE YOU LADY... You'll Be Better In No Time And You Are In My Prayers And I Don't Think I've Prayed For Anyone Else This Hard In My Life.