
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 12

Day Twelve: How Did You Meet Your Husband?

Well since I am still Miss Brennan and single, I cannot really tell that story, so how about I tell how I met my best friends.
  (This is not a ranking system)
Kati Van Dusen: Met when we were 5 years old when our parents arrange a play-date. Our relationship was not solidified until the first grade when she punched  a boy who was picking on me, and she ended up getting suspended for it and it has resulted in a very very rewarding 16 year friendship that will blossom for eternity.
Meredith Chapman: When we were 5 our mothers arranged a play date and we just hit it off. We have enjoyed the last 15 years enjoying each others company, laughing, doing juvenile activities, and frocking through childhood and now adulthood. 
Kari Ann Bitter: We met when we were 11 years old when her family moved into the ward. It's true, I was obsessed with her and was so very intrigued by her and her Indiana ways. I even drew a picture of me and her playing and being "BFF'S" and hide it in a drawer that was later found in my late teens. She yeah basically we are besties and I'm still obsessed with her. 
Daniel Christopher Glade: We met at age 13 and we became friends when we were paired together as dance partners for a mutual activity. Our friendship was solidified when we became cooking partners for our 8th grade foods class and made dutch babies... we were told we could be on the food network... yeah we are quite the dynamic duo. I am pleased to say that even though we have not scene each other for 23 months we have managed to write each other several times a month and continue to become the best of friends, via snail mail! 

Stephanie Jean Potter Tarnaksy: We met when we were 13 but it wasn't until the last day of 9th grade that we sat on the bus together on the way back from Lagoon that we made a pack to be best friends! We followed through with that pack and we enjoyed cafe rio, lost, visiting each other in different states, and just laughing. Even though Steph is now married to her cutie of a husband Bryce, we are still going strong!
Brooke Eliason: We've known each other since our not so glamorous days of middle school at the not so beloved LFMS. We got along pretty well as we'd stroll around lunch time destructing various California tax dollars, but BFFer status didn't come until Winter of 2010, when we lived and partied it up at the Clavie-clave. We most certainly enjoy doing the craziest of things, and I couldn't ask for a better partner in crime.
Scott Hill: Seriously I LOVE This boy! We met as 10 year olds when he moved into my ward. I thought he looked like Harry Potter and we were not friendly until our senior year of high school. The summer before we went away to college we enjoyed many razor scottering nights around the RSM.  I seriously will NEVER be able to explain why or how much I completely look up to this XY chromosome but I am glad we are friends even if it took half a decade.
Ariel Walus: Our friendship comes from humble beginnings, as it blossomed in a dumpster.. .yes that's right we came to know each other in a dumpster that sat in front of my house Fall of '03. We have enjoyed many years of causing mischief, making make-outers incredibly uncomfortable and ruling the streets of Highland, UT. She is the friend my kids are going to LOVE hearing stories about. Ariel Walus, stay you, because you are a dying breed and everyone needs a bestie just like you! 
Hannah Jane Davis: I almost started to cry when I typed her name. Hanns, as I affectionately call her, and I met when we were sophmores in  high school. We had American Studies class  together and all I remember about her was that she had impeccable style and a large mouth that often had laughterous noises emerging from it. We got along and I thought she was nice and didn't really give her another thought until last winter when My grand old amigo Britt told me that Hanns was going to live with us the following fall and asked if it was okay that we were roommates. I agreed and it was one of the top 10 best decisions I have ever made! Long story short, Hanns and I lived together, I loved every minute. We became the best of friends, she is on her mission going to Brazil. I am sad, but love/miss/proud of her. 

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